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News Archive - Erika Johnson

Creating AI That Helps, Not Harms

March 21, 2024

There are plenty of reasons to love artificial intelligence (AI). But what happens when helpfulness turns into harm? This is one of the big questions that occupies David Danks, a professor in UC San Diego’s Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute and Department of Philosophy.

Q&A: Robert Brill on Designing the Stage for Alicia Keys’ Musical ‘Hell’s Kitchen’

March 14, 2024

Robert Brill, professor of design and an alumnus of UC San Diego’s Department of Theatre and Dance, shares his experience designing the set of a new Broadway musical by Alicia Keys called 'Hell's Kitchen.'

NEH Grant Propels Quest to Uncover the Lost Histories of the Chichimeca

March 14, 2024

UC San Diego Professor of History Dana Velasco Murillo is searching for traces of the neglected voices of the nomadic Chichimeca peoples. The six-year research project is nearing completion, thanks to a recent $60,000 grant received from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

A Standing Ovation for Opera Icon Anthony Davis

January 30, 2024

UC San Diego Distinguished Professor of Music Anthony Davis has been inducted into the Opera Hall of Fame. The honor comes on the heels of an immensely successful production of “X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X” at the Met Opera, a work he composed 37 years ago, and which drew packed houses.

A Two-Decade Journey of the Heart is Mapped in Poetry

January 18, 2024

Professor and Chair of Literature Kazim Ali presents a retrospective book of poetry traversing ideas of home, spirituality, love and loss.

Media Artist Lauren Lee McCarthy Confronts the Boundaries of Bio-Surveillance in New Exhibit

January 8, 2024

A solo exhibition of media artist Lauren Lee McCarthy’s work will open at UC San Diego’s Mandeville Art Gallery on March 2—the largest presentation of the internationally acclaimed artist’s work to date in the United States.

Acclaimed Director Lisa Portes Named Chair of Theatre and Dance at UC San Diego

January 3, 2024

Lisa Portes recently joined UC San Diego to become chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance. A highly regarded Cuban American director, educator, advocate and leader, Portes’s aim is to promote a new theater narrative that expands our understanding of what it means to be human.

New York Times Acclaims Theatre and Dance Alumni Dramedies

December 14, 2023

The New York Times published their annual “Best Theatre of 2023,” which featured two standout UC San Diego Department of Theatre and Dance alumni playwrights. Dubbed the “year of dramedy,” the plays explore serious topics like the complexity of consent and familial dysfunction.

Take 10 with a Triton: Susanne Degher’s Philosophy of Living with No Regrets

November 28, 2023

Susanne Degher, events specialist and fiscal assistant in the Department of Philosophy at the School of Arts and Humanities, shares her life's adventures as an actor, airline steward, and teacher, and what drew her to UC San Diego—a place she calls 'Heaven on earth.'

New Faculty Reshape the Meaning of Inclusive Research, Teaching and Service

November 28, 2023

Over the past three years, 20 faculty members have been hired at UC San Diego who are committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion using social justice frameworks. This fall, an additional $175,000 grant was received to support faculty retention and success.
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